To Whom Do I Turn

Father in Heaven
To Whom do I turn
Who speaks the truth
From whom do I learn

When I read Thy words
I can get so confused
It seems Thine intent
Is so often abused

The philosophies of men
Can blur Thy grand picture
They speak their own words
Mingled with scripture

Many prophets I have given
In days gone by
Many stoned and destroyed
Really ~ they did try

I then sent My Son
The Word of Mine Own Power
His infinite love and compassion
Upon you ~ they did shower

He was scoffed and scourged
He was hung on a cross
Sinless He died
To the world He was dross

But this was always meant to be
Thou must understand
To atone for mankind’s sins
It was part of Salvation’s plan

My authority and my priesthood
I then took away
Generations have gone by
Since that dreadful day

This last dispensation
Now is at your door
A Fullness of the Times
With much truth to restore

Not long ago
A young man did I choose
My priesthood was restored
To heal a great big bruise

My restored church and gospel
To the world he did proclaim
And again My chosen prophet
Was beaten and was maimed

An especial witness he bore of Me
As also My Son Jesus Christ
In cold blood he was murdered
His life he sacrificed

My priesthood still continues
Others have I chosen
To continue My work on Earth
Of the greatest love and devotion

My servants are amongst you
This one final time
To bring to you My truth
And sometimes it’s with rhyme

These words that you have read
From within ~ do you burn?
It’s because they all are true
From them ~ you all can learn

STEVEN J PARKER – 04/16/18

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